1. As long as I have known you you have been a stay at home mom. What jobs have you had in the past?
Well my working career started back way back in a little town called Jerome Idaho. I was an indentured servant to my parents. We all have had that job right? I then ventured on to the local DQ (Dairy Queen). That job didn't last long as I was only 14 and my mom didn't like me working late on school nights, which to her was past 9pm. I was let go for that very reason, Dee (very self absorbed owner) actually told me so when I was called in for the talk. I am grateful for this job tho as I still make my cone with the DQ twist on the top. My next job was for a little company called Orange Julius, from this experience I learned how to crack an egg with one hand, thank you Karen. Oh ya and I also got to know my darling husband. He worked across the hall in the mall and we chatted all the time. My final job working for the "man" was for Waremart/Winco Foods. This was my job for 9 years and 3 months. I did a variety of things for them, pizza worker, deli worker, cashier, pizza manager and finally bean counter at 2 in the morning. Of all my jobs I think being a mom is the greatest and most demanding.
2. After recently moving to Idaho Falls from Kuna, what do you miss the most about the Treasure Valley?
Target...yes over here we do have target but it is about the size of Bed Bath and Beyond in Meridian. Big Lots, once again there is one but not as good as Meridian. I also miss stores staying open late, everything closes early here on weeknights and even earlier on Saturdays.
I miss all of my good friends I made in Meridian and Kuna the absolute most tho.
3. And of course, what do you enjoy most about your new location?
The best thing about being here is my Grandma. I love her soo much and had a great time living with her and my kids getting to know her and love her as much as I do. Little Ella just lights up when we go to her house. She love Gma a ton. When we first moved out Ella was really sad and we would go to Gma's just to cheer her up.
4. I am somewhat aware that you have a business of selling sauces of some kind. Tell us more about this.
Jef and I are in business with his parents Dale and Linda manufacturing and selling BBQ sauce. Dale came up with the recipe many years ago and I kept after him to sell it and long behold he took me up on that. Our first sauces were Habby Too Original and Habby Bleu. Habby is pronounced hObby, it is an affectionate term for Habanero peppers, which is in our sauce so yes they are VERY hot. We opened business 4 years ago, and two years ago we came out with some less hot sauces, New Mexico Green Chile and Chipotle. They are all BBQ sauces. We have won first place for our Original and a third place for our Chipotle. We have traveled to New Mexico three years now for the Fiery Foods and BBQ Show in Albuquerque. Want to know more just ask.
5. You had three really great boys and then a little Ella came along. What has been the biggest difference with your little girl compared to the boys?
Well she was the normal baby at first fussy little sleep you know the usual, but then things changed, or should I say stayed the same if not worse. She was soo fussy and always seemed to be hungry. We took her to the doc and he said she was probably just colicky and would eventually "grow" out of it. In September/October she was still the same and she was getting up sometimes 5-7 times a night, so I switched from nursing to bottle feeding and boy what a change. I guess all the stress I was under was affecting my milk and even tho her weight was good and she was growing good, it wasn't all that satisfying for her. It was night and day difference once I switched to formula. So long story short the boys slept through the night at 2 months and had great naps in the day and were pretty much happy go lucky babies and Ella well she was never happy, always fussy and had to be held by me most of the time. I was almost ready to give her back, well not really but you know what I mean.
If you are interested in having me give you a few interview questions for you to answer on your blog, be one of the first five people to follow these instructions and I’ll be in touch.
1. Leave me a comment in this post saying, “Interview me” (please include your email address as well).
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions of my choosing.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include these instructions and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions each.
13 years ago
Pick me Pick me! I would also love to hear about your trip to new mexico. Im excited for our trip to see your family and your new house.
Interview me. It will give me something to put on my blog.
I miss the Target in Meridian too....heck, I miss all the stores. The shopping isn't the same.
I was excited when they opened Red Robin here, but even that is different--and not in a good way. What do you think?
Enjoyed your post.
Haven't been to RR yet...we have a rule of not waiting more than 20 mins to get into a restaurant. One of these days we will make it.
I worked at DQ also. Thanks for sharing! I would like to try that prize winning sauce...
Wow, I learned a few things. Sounds fun, send me some questions and I'll go my best.
Sarah, you have been tagged....a picture tag. Basically, you go to your 6th folder and pick your 6th picture and post it....hopefully, it isn't your secret naughty folder! Just kidding!
Then, you pick 6 friends to do the same.....6...6...6....Creepy I know, but fun!
Fun to learn all the things about you, knew some, but not all.
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