Monday, August 3, 2009

Wondering who has it out for me?

This quote sums it up for me....

Living Hell is the best revenge. (Adrienne E. Gusoff)

It has been a "great" 32nd birthday so far...wonder how much more crappy it could get.


stoner said...

I am sorry you haven't had a good b-day. I hope it gets better.

I have noticed, that each b-day gets worse....I hope it won't be the same for you! :D

Joleen said...


McPherson family said...

Wow, Sarah! I am so sorry! I am such a bad friend taht I didn't even remember. I am sorry! I will do better, because I love you. I am so glad to have you in my life. I wish we were a lot closer though. Hope you are doing better.
Don't forget I love ya!