Sunday, June 27, 2010

To Bone and Back

On Saturday I participated in the most prestigious road race in the continental US.  It is called To Bone and Back Race.  I was a member of an 8 woman relay team.  We each were required to complete 5 miles and pass the "bone" on to the next team member.  My good friend from the ward and gym bullied me into doing this.  She kept telling me it would be fun.  Haha she is such a joker.  I started to struggle towards the end and I felt completely terrible and worked up the courage twice to ask her to stop and she would just turn around and smile and say "your doing great keep going this is fun."  Who can stop with that kind of encouragement.  I soo did not want to let her down.  She had enough faith in me that I could do this with her so it was REALLY hard to ask her to stop.  
We saw 3 dead snakes...the first one was really fresh dead, maybe still barely alive and that really got my heart going, 2 dead jack rabbits, one was headless and finally a dead skunk (scent sack still intact so no smell.)   
Our leg was the second one and the most difficult it was uphill all but maybe a quarter mile.  Our goal was to finish in 1 hour 30 min. and I was able to complete it in 1hour 25.39min.  Heather came in about 1.30 min. before me.  WE MET OUR GOAL.  Our team time I believe was 8 hours 16min.  The winning all women's team was 5 hours 36 mins. 
We are all ready planning next year.  Durring the race I was sooo not ever doing this again but I am really looking forward to next year.  Crazy I know.  Our goal for next year is 1 hour 5-10 min.  I think we can do it, with lots of training. 
This bottom picture is of the elevation gain.  So it is 20 miles out to Bone and then 20 miles back.  My leg is the second leg, which is an elevation gain of a little over 1000 feet. 


Dad said...

That is fantastic! Congratulations! Always proud of you, Jef and the kids.

Joleen said...

Holy Crap Sarah!! You ROCK!!!!

Linda Clark said...

Wow, I didn't realize what a great race this was for you. Way to go, pretty fantastic.

Anne said...

Congrats! That is awesome!

J and Ris said...

That is amazing! I'm impressed! I don't think I could handle 5 miles. A 5k is bad enough. Great job!