Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This thing will be the DeAtH of ME!

When Ella was born she was fussy a lot and I mean ALOT!  After spending a small fortune on different pacifiers we hit the jackpot.  I swore to myself we would take it away at her first birthday.  I wasn't going to have a toddler walking around with one of those things in the mouth.  Well of course I relented and let her keep it..but with rules.  She could only have it at nap time and bed time.  Ella was quite happy with this arrangement, and frankly so was I until....
Ella began to be lazy at night.  I would have to get up in the middle of the night and "find" it for her.  Some nights it would be 3 times a night getting up and gettting that dumb thing for her.  Well I say NO MORE!
9 Days and 8 Nights ago I had enough.  I took it away and we have been going thru severe withdrawls. 
She used to be the best baby at night time.  We would say it's time for night night and off to her room she would run get into bed and not hear from her again (until she lost the plug.)  Same for nap time, no problems.  Well we (as in Ella and I) are not seeing eye to eye on this adventure.  I really want her to be indepedent of it..but man this is hard!  Crying lasts for hours and hours as it seems (one night was really an hour and a half.)  This to shall pass but jeesshh...when oh when will it pass?


Marky Mark and the Funky bunch said...

That is the SAME binki that Cooper and Bailey used! They too had to have it forcefully "taken" away from them. One day we tied them to helium balloons and let them float up to the heavens! Unfortunately they quit napping altogether! Before they napped 2-3 hours a day! The good news is that Bailey's teeth got a lot better!
Good luck in your detox!

Sarah said...

You suggested those kind to me Kim and it worked wonders. Now it is a curse. Ella is too little to understand the balloon thing so I told her it was kah kah and we thru it away.

victoria said...

kah kah??

Sarah said...

Victoria you know what kah kah is don't deny it!

victoria said...

sounds like something I'd yell at a dog... :P

Linda Clark said...

You are brave and good luck! I always had a hard time letting my kids cry...I figured if they had all their vices taken care of before they hit kindergarten, it would be ok. Some were pretty close! lol

Widge said...

ooooh yuck. yip i went through this same scenario with my daughter. I feel your pain!
with my next child I was happy when she came out as a thumb sucker from day one. she always found it in the dark. bliss....just not looking forward to those dental bills to come :( kids aye!

Raingirlxd said...

Have you tried to give her something else in return? I know at this age, it's hard for children to understand much of anything, but if you use words they relate to, like if she called her pacidier a certain name, say "Now, instead of ____, you can have this ____" My nephew, we normally gave him a very small sippy cup of water, and it's healthier, before he went to bed, so he could have the sucking and then we sent him to bed, and before long, he just thought of it as his cup and he didn't need it anymore.

I'm sure that wont work for every child, but it could be worth a shot.

While I am yet free said...

I'm in severe denial about my 2-yr-old. I know he's gotta let it go. Sometimes, I think he'll be the first President of the United States with a bink. When July ends, so does binky dependence. I promise. NO, really.